Pacolli announces new ‘qualitative’ recognitions for Kosovo

Kosovo Minister of Foreign Affairs, Behgjet Pacolli, said that Kosovo will get new “qualitative” recognitions this year.

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Albania Adopts Law Deterring Medical Students From Emigrating After Graduation

A new law approved by MPs obliges medical students to work for three years in Albania after graduation or incur the full cost of their tuition fees. Original post Here

Noa Beci : How to keep your life together

The five stages of grief Noa Beci, an 18-year-old Albanian high school student residing in Austria, has won the opportunity to publish her book, The Five Stages of Grief, as part of the Young Storyteller Award. This award, presented by and Thalia, seeks to uncover the next generation of …

Mo, for short

(The image used in this article is from The Economist and is property of Dan Williams. It is used for illustrative purposes only; all rights belong to Dan Williams) The following is a story of immense personal achievement; it’s a story of a tremendous love for one’s country, and it …