Bardhi press conference after the Democratic Party group meeting

At the end of the meeting of the parliamentary group of Democratic Party,  Gazment Bardhi announced that the decision made at the meeting will be published by the press office. ABC News learns that until the election of the president, the party will be led by Gazment Bardhi and Jorida Tabaku.  In the proposal for […]

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Start the last session of Assembly, is expected the approval of the SP-PD agreement for the electoral law

Today is the second day of the plenary session. The last session for this parliamentary session. Yesterday’s session was accompanied by debates between the parties, where the report of the head of the Supreme State Audit was discussed. This Friday, the main topic will be the agreed draft for the …

EU grant for Vorë-Hani i Hotit, minister Mete signs the agreement

An agreement providing 136 million Euros of EU grants for the rehabilitation of the Vorë-Hani i Hoti railway line was signed today, at the House of Europe, in Tirana, by the Minister of Finance Ervin Mete, EU Ambassador Silvio Gonzato and Head of EBRD in Albania Ekatarina Solovova. The funds …

Arrestohet ish-zëvendësministri rus i Mbrojtjes

Ish-zëvendësministri rus i Mbrojtjes, Dmitry Bulgakov është arrestuar për korrupsion, sipas Shërbimit Federal të Sigurisë të Rusisë. Gjithashtu po kryhen masa operativo-kërkimore për identifikimin e shkaqeve dhe kushteve që kanë lehtësuar veprimtarinë e paligjshme. Bulgakov ishte përgjegjës për mbështetjen materiale dhe teknike të ushtrisë ruse. Russia’s FSB detained the former …