GJKKO submits for trial the file for the former mayor of the municipality of Durres, Vangjush Dako

The Special Court passed for trial the file in charge of the former mayor of the municipality of Durrës Vangjush Dakos and other former officials accused of abuse of office and falsification of documents. Dako was not present at Wednesday’s session, while he is accused of abuse of office in two cases. The first is […]

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“One in three should be a woman”, is expected the approval of SP-DP for code changes

Another amendment has been submitted to the assembly regarding the draft law on changes to the Electoral Code. Journalist Fjona Xhafaj reports for ABC News that the letter was signed by 26 women MPs. The women’s group was joined by the chairmen of the Bledi Çuçi and Gazment Bardhi groups. …

The hearing session for Ilir Beqaj is postponed again due to the absence of one of the lawyers

The preliminary hearing for Ilir Beqaj and the other persons accused of the “Sterilization” file is postponed for the umpteenth time. The reason was the absence of one of the lawyers. The former Minister of Health was present at the session and requested that through a statement he opposes the …

Start the last session of Assembly, is expected the approval of the SP-PD agreement for the electoral law

Today is the second day of the plenary session. The last session for this parliamentary session. Yesterday’s session was accompanied by debates between the parties, where the report of the head of the Supreme State Audit was discussed. This Friday, the main topic will be the agreed draft for the …