Kosovo Parliament votes for unification of customs with Albania

Kosovo Parliament has voted on Tuesday a resolution on unification of customs wit Albania. The vote came only a few days after MPs voted two resolutions on scrapping roaming charges and removing controls at the border.

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Rama: People of Israel are welcome in Albania

“We are here with open arms to welcome all Israelis who want to come, tourists, entrepreneurs, artists, and writers, even those of an older age who want to have their home in the middle of Europe. In a nature where you can find everything, within a very small space like …

“Give me a Laboratory and I Will Move the World”

It was French philosopher, anthropologist, and sociologist Bruno Latour who came up with the gripping title you read above. I came across Latour’s work some months ago, and I was fascinated. Today’s piece stands on the shoulders of that work. It’s about the story of how one laboratory fundamentally changed …

Balluku: I have met the residents of Thumana, a provisional solution until the overpass is built

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