
Vulin threatening Kosovo President: Thaci will crawl before Serbian Army

Serbia’s Minister of Defence, Aleksandar Vulin, has made an open threat against Kosovo President Hashim Thaci. Vulin said that Kosovo President Thaci during the war “ran before” Serbian Army and next time “he will be crawling before the Serbian Army, if only need be.” Original post Here


Kosovo opposition wants snap election after ruling parties lose majority

Chief of parliamentary group of the opposition party, LDK, Avdullah Hoti, called as scandalous the decision of Kosovo authorities to deport the six Turkish nationals who wre arrested on Thursday suspected of their links with the Gulen movement. Original post Here


Parliament Speaker slams Kosovo PM, President over deportation of Turkish teachers

Kosovo Parliament Speaker and chairman of the ruling party, PDK, Kadri Veseli, said that the Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj and President Hashim Thaci are to be held responsible for the arrest and deportation Turkish nationals for their alleged connection to Fethullah Gulen’s movement. Original post Here


Kosovo PM dismisses Interior minister, intelligence chief over Turkish arrests

Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj dismissed on Friday the minister of Internal Affairs Falmur Sefaj, and the director of the Intelligence Agency, Driton Gashi, after the arrest and extradition to Turkey of six Turkish nationals due to their alleged links to a network run by Fethullah Gulen. Original post Here


Turkish President Erdogan spoke over the phone with Thaci, Vucic

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Thursday spoke over the phone with his counterparts in Serbia and Kosovo to discuss the detention of a Serb politician, Turkish news agency Anadolu Agency (AA) is reporting. Original post Here


Serbian Government refers to Kosovo DPM Hoxhaj as ‘terrorist’

Serbia’s Government Office for Kosovo, has issued a statement targeting Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister Enver Hoxhaj, calling him “terrorist.” Original post Here


Kwai Hong Ip succeeds David Schwendiman as acting Kosovo Specialist Prosecutor

Kwai Hong Ip succeeds David Schwendiman to become the Acting Specialist Prosecutor of the Specialist Prosecutor’s Office (SPO) as of midnight on 31 March 2018. Ip’s term as Acting Specialist Prosecutor will last until a new Specialist Prosecutor is appointed. He has exactly the same authorities as a Specialist Prosecutor …


Kosovo PM reacts after arrest and deportation of Turkish nationals

Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj in a Facebook post criticized the arrest and deportation of the Gulen-linked suspects. Six Turks working with a network of schools owned by Gulen who Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan blames for an attempted coup two years ago, were arrested on Thursday by the Kosovo …


Kosovo Parliament Speaker against arbitrary arrest of Gulen-linked suspects

Kosovo Parliament Speaker, Kadri Veseli, has asked those involved on arrest and deportation of the six Turkish nationals to Turkey due to their alleged links to a network run by Fethullah Gulen, be held responsible before the law. Original post Here


Albania and Greece foreign ministers meet in Tirana

The Foreign Ministers of Albania and Greece, Ditmir Bushati and Nikos Kotzias respectively, met Thursday in Tirana in the wake of intensive dialogue between the two countries to resolve bilateral issues. Original post Here