The Special Prosecutor’s Office completed the investigations for former Prime Minister Sali Berisha, his son-in-law Jamarbër Malltezi and businessman Fatmir Bektashi for the privatization of the former Partizani complex. On Wednesday at 12:00 p.m., former prime minister Berisha was called to the SPAK to be officially recognized with the charge, …
Prime Minister Edi Rama will hold a meeting with the new leadership of the Socialist Party this Monday afternoon, which will start at 6:30 p.m. The meeting comes just one day after the National Assembly of the SP, which took place in Durrës, where the 12 leaders of the party …
Prime Minister Edi Rama has shared images from the environment where the National Assembly will be held in Durrës. The meeting starts at 11:00 and will start with the speech of Prime Minister Rama. The Assembly votes today for the new Presidency and Secretariat. “GOOD MORNING and with this view …
The Socialist Party national assembly has started in Durres. During his speech, Prime Minister Edi Rama said that the SP has already started to fight for the fourth governing mandate. He also said that PS 2030 will be the team that will take Albania forward. “Consider your presence a great …
At the National Assembly of the Socialist Party, held in Durres, Prime Minister Edi Rama spoke about the economic situation in the country, the increase in wages and pensions. As for the economic situation in the country, Prime Minister Rama said that the economy is growing steadily, bringing to attention …
Prime Minister Edi Rama has determined the political leaders in the 12 regions of the country, names who will also lead the lists of deputies in next year’s elections. 1.Tirana- Elisa Spiropali, Erion Veliaj, dhe Ogerta Manastirliu 2. Durres-Emirjana Sako 3. Shkodër – Benet Beci 4.Lezhë –Ulsi Manja 5. Fier …
Alfred Peza has quit as the public broadcaster’s general director after a stormy 15 months in post, marked by rows over staff dismissals and finances. Original post Here
The President of the Republic, Bajram Begaj, during his stay in Estonia, held special meetings with the Prime Minister, Mr. Kristen Michal, the Speaker of the Parliament, Mr. Lauri Hussar, and with other authorities, with whom he talked about increasing bilateral cooperation and strengthening the alliance as countries aligned on …
Muhamet Rrumbullaku has resigned as head of the State Police. According to the information, Sokol Bizhga will take his place as commander. Currently, Bizhga is the deputy director and will remain in this position until the election of the new director. On Friday, is expected to begin the race for …
Citizen Edison Ajazi was arrested this Friday in Golem, after allegedly setting fire to a cattle barns. According to police information, the cattle barns was owned by the author’s cousin. Due to the spread of the flames, the one-story building adjacent to the cattle barns a significant amount of food …