
GJKKO’s appeal left him in prison Lefter Alla

The Special Court of Appeal has finally sentenced the former mayor of Bulqiza, Lefter Alla, to 3 years in prison, who was found guilty of the criminal offense of violation of equality in tenders and abuse of office. Journalist Ermal Vija reports that in the application of the summary trial, …

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Office of the prosecutor closes the investigations for Princ Leka, Elia Zaharia and her father

The Prosecutor’s Office of Tirana has closed the investigations and has sent Prince Leka, his ex-wife Elia Zaharia and the latter’s father, Gjergj Zaharia, to trial for the charge of domestic violence. The investigations started after the publication of a video and the report to the prosecutor’s office for domestic …

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The hearing session for Fredi Beleri is postponed again

The judicial process in the Appeal for Fredi Beleri, the elected mayor of Himara, is postponed. The reason for this is the three-day boycott by the National Bar Association. The next session will be held on June 14, at 10:00. Beleri was sentenced to two years in prison for the …

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Begaj meets the Chief of the Turkish General Staff: Relations between countries, at very high levels

The President of the Republic, Bajram Begaj, hosted the Chief of General Staff of the Turkish Armed Forces, General Metin Gürak, in a meeting on Friday. Begaj emphasized during the conversation that relations between Albania and Turkey are at very high levels in all fields. The President assessed that in …

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The murder in Dhermi/ Searches continue to find his body of Eraldo Nevruzi

The search by the police for the body of the receptionist Eraldo Nevruzi continues. Police searches are concentrated in the Dhërmi-Himarë area. Searches are being carried out on the ground from the ground, but also from the air using drones. Searches have been underway since Thursday afternoon, but so far …

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Murder of receptionist in Dhermi, two arrested

The police have arrested two people, Daniel Qose and David Larti, who are suspected of helping Gerald Shehu to hide the dead body of 31-year-old Eraldo Nevruzi. According to the investigations carried out, it turns out that Gerald Shehu, after killing Eraldo Nevruz with a gun, was helped to hide …

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Accident in Vlora/ A vehicle is engulfed in flames

An accident was registered in the early hours of the morning near Vlorë-Skelë boulevard, near the polyclinic. ABC News reporter Elton Nika reports that as a result of the collision, the vehicle was engulfed in flames. Fortunately, the driver got out of the car before the vehicle caught fire. The …

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Caught with two bags full of cannabis in the car, 4 arrested

19 kg of cannabis were seized inside a vehicle in Tirana. Four people were put in handcuffs. The police announce that the “Benz” type vehicle was located on “Kasem Shima” street, in the trunk of which 2 bags filled with cannabis weighing 19.30 kg were found and seized. During the …

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Tensions again at the Reestablishment protest, protesters set fire to tires in front of Assembly

While the plenary session continues with tensions, a protest is taking place outside the Assembly. Journalist Ervin Leka reports that Rithemalim and PL protesters took tires and set them on fire in front of the building. They also threw Molotov cocktails. “There are two piles of tires that have just …

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Scheme of entry into EU countries for persons with travel ban, Tirana Prosecution gives the decisions for the accused

The Tirana court confirmed the security measures for the investigator Enea Sulejmani and the employee of the Rinas police station, Briken Terziu, leaving them under arrest in prison indefinitely during the ongoing investigations. The security measures remained unchanged for the other employees, under “house arrest” Sokol Xhika, Ermal Mesi and …

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EU grant for Vorë-Hani i Hotit, minister Mete signs the agreement

An agreement providing 136 million Euros of EU grants for the rehabilitation of the Vorë-Hani i Hoti railway line was signed today, at the House of Europe, in Tirana, by the Minister of Finance Ervin Mete, EU Ambassador Silvio Gonzato and Head of EBRD in Albania Ekatarina Solovova. The funds …

Start the last session of Assembly, is expected the approval of the SP-PD agreement for the electoral law

Today is the second day of the plenary session. The last session for this parliamentary session. Yesterday’s session was accompanied by debates between the parties, where the report of the head of the Supreme State Audit was discussed. This Friday, the main topic will be the agreed draft for the …

The hearing session for Ilir Beqaj is postponed again due to the absence of one of the lawyers

The preliminary hearing for Ilir Beqaj and the other persons accused of the “Sterilization” file is postponed for the umpteenth time. The reason was the absence of one of the lawyers. The former Minister of Health was present at the session and requested that through a statement he opposes the …

“One in three should be a woman”, is expected the approval of SP-DP for code changes

Another amendment has been submitted to the assembly regarding the draft law on changes to the Electoral Code. Journalist Fjona Xhafaj reports for ABC News that the letter was signed by 26 women MPs. The women’s group was joined by the chairmen of the Bledi Çuçi and Gazment Bardhi groups. …

Arrestohet ish-zëvendësministri rus i Mbrojtjes

Ish-zëvendësministri rus i Mbrojtjes, Dmitry Bulgakov është arrestuar për korrupsion, sipas Shërbimit Federal të Sigurisë të Rusisë. Gjithashtu po kryhen masa operativo-kërkimore për identifikimin e shkaqeve dhe kushteve që kanë lehtësuar veprimtarinë e paligjshme. Bulgakov ishte përgjegjës për mbështetjen materiale dhe teknike të ushtrisë ruse. Russia’s FSB detained the former …

Op/Ed: A lesson for a new world politics

The UN has recognized the Srebrenica massacre as genocide by a majority vote. With this decision, the international community gives a warning signal against any form of genocide. And the role of Mrs. Del Ponte for hiding the truth. By SYLË UKSHINI* On May 23, the United Nations General Assembly approved …

Albania’s two largest parties reach deal on electoral reform, face criticism

TIRANA, July 25, 2024 – Albania’s two largest political parties — the ruling Socialist Party and the main opposition Democratic Party — have reached a deal to make significant changes to the country’s electoral code ahead of next year’s parliamentary elections. Key changes include only partially opening candidate lists so …

Cooperation against crime with Montenegro, more than 11 thousand cannabis roots are destroyed

The operation “Bjeshket”, carried out in cooperation with the Albanian police and the police of Montenegro, is finalized. The director of the Shkodra Police, Edmond Sulaj, in a communication to the media, emphasized that hundreds of thousands of cannabis plants were destroyed by this operation. Accordingly, during this action, 11,358 …

Qatar Square to serve as Tirana’s newest hub and vital part of New Boulevard project

TIRANA, July 24, 2024 – The Qatar Fund for Development (QFFD) has signed a grant agreement with the Municipality of Tirana to establish Qatar Square, a significant development in the heart of Albania’s capital.  The €11 million project, to be built on 23,700 square meters, aims to transform the end …

Accused of bribery of 25,000 to influence the judges, SPAK closes investigations for lawyer Petraq Semani

The Special Prosecutor’s Office has closed the investigations and submitted the file of lawyer Petraq Semani for trial. The investigation showed that Petraq Semani, as the legal defender of the citizen Llazar Dine, asked the citizens Llazar Dine and Sidorela Dine for the monetary amount of 25,000 Euros, after he …


EU grant for Vorë-Hani i Hotit, minister Mete signs the agreement

An agreement providing 136 million Euros of EU grants for the rehabilitation of the Vorë-Hani i Hoti railway line was signed today, at the House of Europe, in Tirana, by the Minister of Finance Ervin Mete, EU Ambassador Silvio Gonzato and Head of EBRD in Albania Ekatarina Solovova. The funds …


Start the last session of Assembly, is expected the approval of the SP-PD agreement for the electoral law

Today is the second day of the plenary session. The last session for this parliamentary session. Yesterday’s session was accompanied by debates between the parties, where the report of the head of the Supreme State Audit was discussed. This Friday, the main topic will be the agreed draft for the …


The hearing session for Ilir Beqaj is postponed again due to the absence of one of the lawyers

The preliminary hearing for Ilir Beqaj and the other persons accused of the “Sterilization” file is postponed for the umpteenth time. The reason was the absence of one of the lawyers. The former Minister of Health was present at the session and requested that through a statement he opposes the …


“One in three should be a woman”, is expected the approval of SP-DP for code changes

Another amendment has been submitted to the assembly regarding the draft law on changes to the Electoral Code. Journalist Fjona Xhafaj reports for ABC News that the letter was signed by 26 women MPs. The women’s group was joined by the chairmen of the Bledi Çuçi and Gazment Bardhi groups. …


Arrestohet ish-zëvendësministri rus i Mbrojtjes

Ish-zëvendësministri rus i Mbrojtjes, Dmitry Bulgakov është arrestuar për korrupsion, sipas Shërbimit Federal të Sigurisë të Rusisë. Gjithashtu po kryhen masa operativo-kërkimore për identifikimin e shkaqeve dhe kushteve që kanë lehtësuar veprimtarinë e paligjshme. Bulgakov ishte përgjegjës për mbështetjen materiale dhe teknike të ushtrisë ruse. Russia’s FSB detained the former …


Op/Ed: A lesson for a new world politics

The UN has recognized the Srebrenica massacre as genocide by a majority vote. With this decision, the international community gives a warning signal against any form of genocide. And the role of Mrs. Del Ponte for hiding the truth. By SYLË UKSHINI* On May 23, the United Nations General Assembly approved …


Albania’s two largest parties reach deal on electoral reform, face criticism

TIRANA, July 25, 2024 – Albania’s two largest political parties — the ruling Socialist Party and the main opposition Democratic Party — have reached a deal to make significant changes to the country’s electoral code ahead of next year’s parliamentary elections. Key changes include only partially opening candidate lists so …


Cooperation against crime with Montenegro, more than 11 thousand cannabis roots are destroyed

The operation “Bjeshket”, carried out in cooperation with the Albanian police and the police of Montenegro, is finalized. The director of the Shkodra Police, Edmond Sulaj, in a communication to the media, emphasized that hundreds of thousands of cannabis plants were destroyed by this operation. Accordingly, during this action, 11,358 …


Qatar Square to serve as Tirana’s newest hub and vital part of New Boulevard project

TIRANA, July 24, 2024 – The Qatar Fund for Development (QFFD) has signed a grant agreement with the Municipality of Tirana to establish Qatar Square, a significant development in the heart of Albania’s capital.  The €11 million project, to be built on 23,700 square meters, aims to transform the end …


Accused of bribery of 25,000 to influence the judges, SPAK closes investigations for lawyer Petraq Semani

The Special Prosecutor’s Office has closed the investigations and submitted the file of lawyer Petraq Semani for trial. The investigation showed that Petraq Semani, as the legal defender of the citizen Llazar Dine, asked the citizens Llazar Dine and Sidorela Dine for the monetary amount of 25,000 Euros, after he …