
25 police officers in Korça suspended for abuse with Frontex funds

Korça Prosecutor’s Office is criminally prosecuting 25 employees of the Korça Police Department and the Border and Migration Directorate. On the other hand, the court decides the suspension from duty of these employees. According to the Korca prosecutor’s office, the police officers are accused of abusing the funds in terms …


Prime Minister Edi Rama, tribute to renowned writer Ismail Kadare

Tributes are being held in honor of Ismail Kadare, the well-known Albanian writer. Prime Minister Edi Rama, in the speech he is giving to the audience, said that Kadare feels protected by Mother Teresa, referring to the installation of the Albanian saint that stands next to the archmort of the …


Chronicles and Fragments

The novels of Ismail Kadare. By James Wood  Like Trieste or Lvov, the medieval city of Gjirokastër, in southern Albania, has passed its history beneath a sign perpetually rewritten, in different hands, but always with the same words: “Under New Management.” It enters the historical record in 1336, as a Byzantine …


A phone call not every writer wants

By Kristoffer Leandoer Every year he waits in vain by the phone on this very day, and a whole nation waits with him. Every year the Albanian people are equally surprised that Ismail Kadare has been passed over once again. The recently published “A dictator calls” (Counterpoint LLC), makes full use of …


Tribute to Ismail Kadare, state ceremony in honor of the well-known writer

Tributes have begun at the National Theater of Opera and Ballet in honor of the writer Ismail Kadare, who passed away at the age of 88. Helena Kadare, the wife of the late writer, arrived at the theater accompanied by the mayor of Tirana, Erion Veliaj.  The highest heads of …


Anti-drug operation with France/ GJKKO leaves in prison the arrested

GJKKO has left in prison the three people arrested as part of a criminal group that operated in the French state for drug trafficking. Redian Doda, who is also considered the leader of the group, as well as Zabit Fisniku and Fabi Isaku, all three arrested in Albania, will remain …


Interview Ismail Kadare: All Totalitarian Regimes Are Mad

May 31, 2008 Ismail Kadare wrote for decades under Enver Hoxha’s brutal communist regime in Albania, was suspected of spying and threatened with punishment for subversive writing. Despite all this, at 72 he is serene. Sitting on a cream sofa in his lovely Paris flat, his architectural face and booming, …


Found unconscious on the street, a 22-year-old allegedly fell from a height

The 22-year-old who was found unconscious on the road near the Shengjin roundabout in Lezhë has been identified as Gentjan Bajrami from Shkodra. Journalist Gjergj Figuri reports that at first it was suspected that the young man was violeted, but according to the police, the track being investigated is the …


Organized the transportation of 7 immigrants who died in an accident, Stivljano Ndou arrested

Stivljano Ndou has been handcuffed by the police as part of the police mega-operation coded “Rule of Law”. The detainee tried to escape from the services of the Shkodra Police, with the motorcycle he was driving. The 24-year-old was wanted by the blues of Gjirokastra, after he organized the transportation …


Tribute to Kadare’s house in Gjirokastër

Homages in honor of Ismail Kadare will also take place in his birthplace in Gjirokastër. Journalist Elidon Berberi reported from the house, where the writer started the first lines, while he said that the tributes will also take place in the center of the bazaar, where the corner of honor …