
Huge windows blackout, no problem reported at Rinas airport

The decline of the Internet in the world has not affected the International Airport of Rinas. The Director of Civil Aviation, Maksim Ethemaj explained to ABC News that Tirana Airport has a dual system and flights from Tirana continue normally, but there may be delays for flights coming from other …


Thumane, man arrested for drugs cultivation

A man 42-year-old was arrested this Friday morning in Thumana for drugs cultivations.  Police discovered near his house 248 cannabis plants. The arrested is the citizen A.M., who was immediately charged on accuse of drugs cultivation. The case was sent to Tirana Prosecution for following investigations. / […] Read More… …


Elderly found drowned at Koman lake

A lifeless body of an elderly man was found this Friday in Koman lake. The victim was later identified by police as the citizen K.GJ. 77-year-old who is suspected that drowned. The body was found by the residents of the area at 08:40 am. Although the reason of the death …


Rama: Next year, the summit of the European Political Community will be held in Albania

Next year, Albania will host the Summit of the European Political Community. This is announced by Prime Minister Edi Rama, as he shared some images from the meeting that was held on Thursday in Great Britain. According to the head of the government, this shows the new position that the …


Albania MPs Back Motion Asking Greece to Scrap War Declaration Law

Albania’s parliament has passed a declaration urging Greece to abolish an old law declaring a state of war between the two countries – a relic of the Second World War. Original post Here


Meeting of the European Political Community/ Rama hosted by Prime Minister Keir Starmer

Prime Minister Edi Rama is in Great Britain this Thursday to participate in the next meeting of the European Political Committee among European leaders. The head of the government was received by the new British Prime Minister, Keir Starmer. He shared images from the reception on social networks while writing: …


Abolition of law of war with Greece/ Assembly approves the draft declaration of PDIU

Assembly approved with 96 votes in favor and none against the PDIU’s statement on the abolition of the law of war with Greece. The draft of the PDIU requires the Albanian parliament to engage with the Greek parliament, so that such a law no longer exists. In view of this, …


“The law of war with Greece”, Idrizi: Has no place in the relations between the two countries

In the Assembly, the draft statement proposed by PDIU on the abolition of the law of war with Greece is being discussed. The President of PDIU, Shpëtim Idrizi, says that the law that is still in force brings negative effects between the two countries. “This statement is proof of our …


Socialist Party candidate for the municipality of Himara, Vangjel Tavo resigns as prefect of Vlora

After being confirmed as a SP candidate for the Himara elections, Vangjel Tavo has resigned as prefect of the Vlora district. In a letter addressed to the Minister of the Interior, Taulant Balla, while sending him his resignation, Tavo expresses his gratitude and the privilege that he has held this …


World Bank Urges Heatwave-Stricken Balkans to Act Together on Climate Change

Report calls for proactive investment in climate adaptation, saying collective action in the region – currently enduring a heatwave – is not just a necessity but a wise financial decision. Original post Here